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Here’s what bodies should apperceive to casting their vote in the accessible accepted and circumscribed elections in Spokane and Kootenai counties.

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SPOKANE, Wash. — Acclamation Day 2021 is fast abutting and voters in Spokane and Kootenai counties will accept a best amid candidates for bounded political office. 

The accepted acclamation for Spokane Canton and circumscribed acclamation for Kootenai Canton will be captivated on Tuesday, Nov. 2. The contest included on the acclamation in Spokane Canton accommodate Spokane and Spokane Valley Burghal Council, forth with Spokane Accessible Schools Lath and Central Valley Academy Commune Lath of Directors positions. In Kootenai County, voters will casting their ballots for mayoral, burghal lath and academy lath trustee races, amid others. 

Ballots for the Spokane Canton acclamation will be mailed amid Wednesday, Oct. 13 and Friday, Oct. 15, according to the Spokane Canton Elections Office. Acclamation after-effects will be accessible afterwards 8 p.m. on Nov. 2.

Here’s what you charge to apperceive about the 2021 accepted election.

How to annals

Before you can vote in Washington state, you charge register. Allotment can be done several ways: Online, by mail or in person.

To annals online, you will charge your Washington accompaniment driver’s authorization or ID. Arrangement and abide your information.

To annals by mail, either book a aborigine allotment anatomy or appeal a allotment form. Abode the completed anatomy to your canton elections arrangement abode afore mailing.

To annals in person, arrangement your canton acclamation arrangement (the Elections Division is accessible for curbside account during the pandemic). To annals to vote, you charge be:

In Idaho, you can arrangement to annals to vote, amend aborigine allotment or appeal an absentee ballot. 

To annals to vote in Idaho, you charge be: 

Dates and deadlines

Voting by mail in Washington

Washington has been a vote by mail accompaniment back 2011. Registered voters do not charge to appeal a ballot. Ballots are automatically mailed to the abode the aborigine has registered. Confirm your allotment at

Completed ballots can be alone off at an official bead box or by mail. Stamps are not bare to mail a completed ballot. Ballots charge be deposited or postmarked by Acclamation Day. The USPS recommends voters mail ballots a anniversary prior.

Ballots charge be signed. Signatures are arrested adjoin aborigine allotment records.

Eligible voters are beatific a acclamation at atomic 18 canicule afore Acclamation Day. Ballots are placed in a aegis envelope or sleeve. The aegis envelope or sleeve is afresh put into a acknowledgment envelope and signed.

Ballots accept pre-paid postage and are alternate through the mail or at acclamation bead boxes. (If mailed, it charge be postmarked by Acclamation Day). Bead boxes are accessible until 8 p.m. on Acclamation Day.

Voting in Idaho

Idaho does not use a vote by mail system. All voters should be present at the acclamation to casting their vote. Acclamation will accessible at 8 a.m. and abutting at 8 p.m. on acclamation day. In some instances, acclamation may accessible at 7 a.m.

Idaho additionally requests voters to present identification while voting. The afterward choices include:

All voters are acceptable to vote absentee in Idaho. There are no appropriate accommodation requirements for voting absentee. To vote absentee, an appliance charge be accustomed by acclamation admiral no afterwards than Oct. 22.

Idaho additionally allows aboriginal voting. Added advice on aboriginal voting can be begin at

Tracking your acclamation

After bottomward off or commitment a ballot, Washington voters can clue the cachet of their acclamation by visiting Voters charge assurance in. On the aeronautics bar, baddest “Ballot Status.” Advice includes back the acclamation was sent, back it was returned, and its accepted status.

Washington uses a two-candidate accepted system, acceptation that the two candidates who accustomed the best votes in the primary elections will attempt in November’s accepted election, behindhand of party.

In Kootenai County’s circumscribed election, added than two candidates are on the acclamation for some races.

Spokane Burghal Lath Commune 1

Jonathan Bingle and Naghmana Sherazi are active to alter Lath Affiliate Kate Burke, the best accelerating affiliate of burghal council, who is not gluttonous reelection. The commune represents Northeast Spokane. The added bench in this commune is captivated by Lath Affiliate Michael Cathcart, currently the alone bourgeois on burghal council.

Bingle owns an accident aggregation in Spokane and is a above pastor. He abominably ran for ambassador in 2019.

He’s the abandoned bourgeois applicant active for this position and his supporters reflect that. He claims endorsements from Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), Spokane Ambassador Nadine Woodward, Spokane Burghal Lath Affiliate Michael Cathcart, Spokane Canton Commissioners Josh Kerns and Al French, Spokane Canton Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, and above Spokane Burghal Lath Affiliate Mike Fagan.

Sherazi works in Gonzaga University’s Arrangement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but began her career in biotech. She’s a Pakistani immigrant who has additionally formed for a array of bounded advancement groups.

She claims endorsements from Spokane Burghal Lath Admiral Breean Beggs, Accompaniment Agent Marko Liias (D-Edmonds), who afresh absent a bid for abettor governor, Spokane Accessible Schools Lath of Directors Affiliate Nikki Lockwood, abutment groups like the Spokane Regional Activity Council, and accelerating groups like Fuse Washington.

Spokane Burghal Lath Commune 3

Current Burghal Lath Affiliate Candace Mumm is term-limited and cannot seek re-election this year. This commune represents Northwest Spokane. The added bench is captivated by Lath Affiliate Karen Stratton.

Zappone has formed as a abecedary in several Spokane-area schools, and volunteered in accessible bloom during the pandemic. He is a Fulbright Scholar who has degrees from Georgetown and Princeton. He ran for accompaniment adumbrative adjoin bounden Rep. Mike Volz (R-Spokane) in 2020, accident almost but hasty abounding with a almost able assuming in a about solid-red district.

He claims endorsements from a deluge of abutment groups including the Spokane Regional Activity Council, adage on his website he has the best activity endorsements of any candidate, as able-bodied as accelerating groups like Fuse Washington.

Lish runs D. Lish’s Hamburgers, a Spokane business co-founded by his parents.

He claims endorsements from Accompaniment Representatives Mike Volz (R-Spokane) and Jenny Graham (R-Spokane).

Similar PACs heavily adjourned Spokane Ambassador Nadine Woodward’s campaign, as able-bodied as Spokane Lath Affiliate Michael Cathcart’s, and Cindy Wendle’s bootless attack for burghal lath admiral and Andy Rathbun’s bootless attack for burghal lath in 2019.

Spokane Accessible Schools, Lath of Directors Position 3

This position is currently captivated by Lath Admiral Jerrall Haynes, who is not gluttonous re-election. Winning this bench will not automatically accomplish the seat-holder lath president; administration positions are nominated and voted on by lath associates already they are seated.

Bedford is an Assistant Assistant of Literacy at Eastern Washington University. She has several degrees in education, including a doctorate.

She claims endorsements from teachers’ unions including the Spokane Apprenticeship Association and the Washington Apprenticeship Association, as able-bodied as accelerating groups like Fuse Washington and abutment groups like the Spokane Regional Activity Council.

Geffken is a carnality admiral and banking adviser at D.A. Davidson, and has been an accessory assistant at Gonzaga University and Eastern Washington University. He has several degrees in education, including a doctorate.

He does not affirmation any endorsements on his website or in the voters’ pamphlet. The Ponderosa Republican Women of Spokane Canton accept volunteered for his campaign, according to photos on his Facebook page, and he has accumbent with added bounded bourgeois candidates active for arrangement this year.

Geffken’s website arrangement and byword are about identical to position 4 applicant Kata Dean.

Spokane Accessible Schools, Lath of Directors Position 4

This position is currently captivated by Aryn Ziehnert, who was appointed to accomplishment the appellation back the antecedent ambassador resigned. She is not gluttonous re-election.

Dean runs a activity apprenticeship business, and has formed in brainy and behavioral health, abundantly with teenagers and accouchement ambidextrous with actuality addiction or animal abuse.

She does not affirmation any endorsements on her website or in the voters’ pamphlet. Her website arrangement and byword are about identical to position 3 applicant Daryl Geffken, who Facebook photos announce she has campaigned alongside, in accession to added bourgeois candidates for Spokane office.

Smith works for Feeding Washington, an anti-hunger non-profit. He additionally has absolute political experience, alive for Burghal Lath Affiliate Betsy Wilkerson’s re-election campaign, and ahead active Zack Zappone’s 2020 attack for accompaniment representative, which absent narrowly.

He claims endorsements from Wilkerson and Zappone, as will as burghal lath applicant Luc Jasmin III, the Spokane Canton Young Democrats, and a bounded activity union.

Spokane Valley Burghal Council, Position 4

The position is currently captivated by Ben Wick. In Spokane Valley, the associates of burghal lath vote on a ambassador and agent ambassador every two years. Currently, Wick is additionally the mayor.

Wick is the bounden in this position and additionally the city’s accepted mayor. He additionally owns two hyper-local newspapers and works for Spokane Industries.

He claims endorsements from Spokane Canton Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, Spokane Canton Commissioner Mary Kuney, and several above Spokane Valley lath members. He additionally claims an endorsement from Mainstream Republicans of Washington, a center-right political organization.

Fenton co-owns The Black Diamond bar in Spokane Valley, which controversially reopened during COVID restrictions, admitting eventually bankrupt bottomward afresh afterwards it faced a abeyance of its liquor license. He is additionally a adept of the Washington Air National Guard.

He claims endorsements from Accompaniment Adumbrative Rob Chase (R-Spokane Valley), Accompaniment Adumbrative Bob McCaslin Jr. (R-Spokane Valley), and Spokane Valley Burghal Lath Affiliate Rod Higgins. His father, Wayne Fenton, is active for position 5 and the two allotment a website, with a byword spun off from above Admiral Donald Trump’s.

Spokane Valley Burghal Council, Position 5

The position is currently captivated by Pam Haley. She is gluttonous re-election.

Haley is the bounden in this position. She additionally owns a daycare.

She claims endorsements from Spokane Canton Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, all three Spokane Canton Commissioners (Josh Kerns, Al French, and Mary Kuney), Spokane Canton Prosecutor Larry Haskell, adolescent Spokane Valley Lath Associates Rod Higgins and Arne Woodard, Accompaniment Adumbrative Bob McCaslin (R-Spokane Valley), Accompaniment Agent Mike Padden (R-Spokane), and Accompaniment Agent Jeff Holy (R-Spokane).

Fenton co-owns The Black Diamond bar in Spokane Valley, which controversially reopened during COVID restrictions, admitting eventually bankrupt bottomward afresh afterwards it faced a abeyance of its liquor license. Afore that, he formed in the aluminum industry.

He does not affirmation any endorsements on his website or in the voters’ pamphlet. His son, Brandon, is active for position 4, and the two allotment a website, with a byword spun off from above Admiral Donald Trump’s.

Spokane Valley Burghal Council, Position 7

This position is currently captivated by Linda Thompson. She is gluttonous re-election.

Thompson is the bounden in this position. She additionally says she is the controlling ambassador of a non-profit that focuses on youth, but does not specify which non-profit.

She claims an endorsement from Spokane Valley Burghal Lath Affiliate and accepted Agent Ambassador Brandi Peetz.

Padden is a web artist who is affiliated to Accompaniment Agent Mike Padden (R-Spokane).

In accession to her husband, she claims endorsements from Spokane Canton Commissioner Josh Kerns, Spokane Canton Prosecutor Larry Haskell, Spokane Canton Treasurer Michael Baumgartner, Spokane Valley Lath Associates Rod Higgins, Arne Woodard, and Pam Haley, Accompaniment Adumbrative Bob McCaslin (R-Spokane Valley), Accompaniment Adumbrative Rob Chase (R-Spokane Valley), and Accompaniment Agent Jeff Holy (R-Spokane).

Central Valley Academy District, Lath of Directors Position 5

This bench is currently captivated by Mysti Renau, who is not gluttonous re-election.

Orebaugh is a registered assistant who teaches at the Washington Accompaniment University College of Nursing, and formed on the attack to adios Referendum 90, acceptation she against absolute sex ed.

She claims a cardinal of claimed endorsements on her website, admitting none from bounded leaders or advancement organizations.

Linebarger currently works in advice technology and is a retired Navy veteran.

He does not affirmation any endorsements on his website or in the voters’ pamphlet.

Coeur d’Alene Mayor 

Coeur d’Alene Ambassador Steve Widmyer appear in April 2021 that he would not seek a third term. In announcement that he will not seek a third appellation this November, he said: “Eight years is good.” 

Widmyer won his aboriginal appellation in 2013 by calmly acquisition Mary Souza. Four years later, he wasn’t alike opposed.

Widmyer said the “biggest challenge” for the abutting ambassador and burghal lath is apartment affordability in the Coeur d’Alene area. 

Joe Alfieri is a affiliate of the Coeur d’Alene business community, who served as a business developer or a bounded aggregation afore his retirement, according to his website. Joe additionally served on the Coeur d’Alene Economic Development Corporations’ Jobs Plus Action Committee and as ambassador of the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce Membership Outreach Committee. During that period, he helped advance CoeurFest, a September anniversary in North Idaho. 

Jim Hammond is a above educator, Post Falls mayor, Coeur d’Alene burghal ambassador and three-term accompaniment senator.

Hammond was a abecedary and afresh academy ambassador from 1973 to 1996. He served as Post Falls ambassador from 1991 to 1996, afresh as Post Falls burghal ambassador from 1996 to 2006.

In 2006, Hammond was adopted as accompaniment agent apery Commune 5. Hammond won his abutting two agreement accustomed in the accepted acclamation afore opting to not seek re-election in 2012.

His acquaintance as Coeur d’Alene burghal ambassador from 2016 to 2019 helped appearance his accommodation to run for mayor, he told KREM 2 account accomplice the Coeur d’Alene Press. 

A contempo resident, Michael Lentz has been active in Coeur d’Alene for six months. In that time, he has developed to adulation the city, but has bidding antipathy for the administration of Coeur d’Alene’s bounded backroom on his YouTube channel.

Running unaffiliated, Lentz emphasized “growth” for Coeur d’Alene in his attack statement, advancement association that the city’s abridgement of planning for advance will account “all of the things that are appropriate about the burghal to abandon quickly.”

“Part of the botheration that we’re accepting appropriate now is that there’s not a bright eyes of the administration that the burghal is intending to head,” Lentz said in one of his YouTube videos. “The burghal and the canton at ample is defective any array of administration about growth.”

Post Falls Ambassador

Ronald J. Jacobson has been Ambassador of Post Falls back 2018 and is currently confined his additional term.

A aborigine of Post Falls back 1980, Jacobson was aboriginal appointed to the burghal lath in 1999 and adopted to three agreement on lath and served as lath admiral from 2012 to 2014. He has additionally served on the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency.

Jacobson has additionally served on the boards of assorted association and non-profit organizations.

Austin Hildebrand has lived in Kootenai Canton back the backward 1990s. Hildebrand fabricated a name for himself in the Post Falls association as a brewer.

In 2020, Hildebrand opened his actual aboriginal brewery, Aerial Society Brewing. Not continued after, he broadcast addition bounded Hayden brewery. Bombastic Brewing, to accept a appearance in four states.

Hildebrand harbored an absorption in association account and bounded backroom back his brand academy years. According to his attack profile, Hildebrand wants to accomplish a absolute appulse in the lives of others by active for ambassador and advice Post Falls abound as a city.

Coeur d’Alene Academy Commune Zone 1

Allie Anderton was built-in and aloft in Coeur d’Alene, according to her website. She has three daughters one grandson.

I am active for this position because our accepted lath bench has accurate they are out of blow with our parents, teachers, and students. They accept called not to reflect the angle of those they were adopted to represent.

The purpose of government in our academy arrangement should be minimal, accouterment allotment and accepted guidance. It is not the government’s cycle to indoctrinate our acceptance in a aesthetics to abhorrence anniversary added and their country. I accept the government’s bamboozle in our schools needs to be reined in.

I am fiscally bourgeois and accept the funds appointed for our student’s should be acclimated to best account those acceptance and their teachers. Overspending on authoritative costs needs to stop, and added needs to be apparent in our classrooms and programs.

We charge to advise our accouchement axiological math, science, able advice and amusing skills, and an acknowledgment of the arts. We cannot do these things remotely, or back metaphorically muzzled. We charge to advise them to be cautious, but not to alive in fear.

After 15 years of volunteering in classrooms, allegorical my accouchement through accessible academy conundrums, speaking anon with teachers, students, and parents, and architecture able relationships throughout, I apperceive I am in a position to angle up and be a articulation for those I would represent.

Lisa May is gluttonous re-election for the Zone 1 Trustee position, which she has captivated back 2017. 

May has served as founding lath affiliate of Coeur d’Alene Apprenticeship Partnership, Armchair of the Yes! Attack for accomplished academy burden and bonds, admiral on the Continued Range Planning Committee, and was adopted to her accepted position Academy Lath Trustee for Zone 1. 

During her appellation as trustee, May has accurate the amplification of full-day kindergarten and championed achievement of the district’s Cardinal Plan, which includes a 10-year Continued Range Facilities Plan.

She additionally has advocated for adjusting academy appearance zones to antithesis acceptance and demographics, rallied association abutment for acknowledged access of the 2021 levy, and answer the conception of a district-wide brainy bloom affairs for those who charge support.

May was born, aloft and accomplished in Spokane, afresh accustomed her undergraduate amount in Spanish and nursing at University of Washington, above-mentioned to commutual her ICU/Critical Care nursing training at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. She and her husband, Dr. Mike May, and their three accouchement confused to Coeur d’Alene in 2006

Coeur d’Alene Academy Commune Zone 4

Two candidates are active for the bench ahead captivated by lath armchair Jennifer Brumley, who appear that she would not seek re-election. 

Lesli Bjerke is a retired elementary academy teacher, according to the Kootenai Canton GOP website. She has a bachelor’s amount in Liberal Studies; a assorted accountable teaching credential; a added credential to advise algebraic in sixth through ninth grades; and a master’s amount in Apprenticeship Administration.

After 25 years in the field, Bjerke said she now operates a baby business from her home as a appearance stylist for Cabi Clothing.

Lindsey Swingrover was built-in and aloft in Coeur d’Alene. She has formed in apprenticeship for the aftermost 15 years, now confined as a affiliate of the Long-Range Planning Committee and as PTO Secretary. Swingrover additionally has 10 years of acquaintance as a nationally certified academy analyst in Coeur d’Alene.

Swingrover was already on a planned leave of absence from her position as a academy analyst this year back she was asked to run for the academy board, and has back submitted her abandonment accidental on her election.

Coeur d’Alene Academy Commune Zone 5

Rebecca Smith has captivated the Academy Lath Trustee Zone 5 bench back November 2019 afterwards a accepted arrangement to the board. 

Smith serves as Carnality Armchair of the lath and is in her additional year of assignment with the Continued Range Planning Committee.

During her time on the board, Smith has advocated for amplification of full-day kindergarten, accurate achievement of the district’s cardinal plan, facilitated the acclimation of academy appearance zones, and answer access of the acknowledged 2021 academy levy.

She currently serves as the Associate Ambassador of Lutherhaven Ministries, a bounded nonprofit adolescence and ancestors affected and retreat center.

Glen Campbell retired in 2016 afterwards 24 years with the University of Redlands confined as the Manager of the Media Services Department, according to the Kootenai Canton GOP website. He is currently an on-air personality for radio station, KYMS 89.9FM, area he hosts “The Rhinestone Highway” afternoon drive time appearance from 2 to 7 p.m.

Campbell holds an Associates Amount in Communications/Broadcasting and a Bachelor of Science Amount in Business and Management from the University of Redlands. 

Staff with our account ally at the Coeur d’Alene Press contributed to this acclamation guide. 

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