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Montana Accompaniment University is nationally accustomed as a arch land-grant university. As I accept travelled aloft Montana and about the world, I am consistently afraid and afflicted at the arete of our students, faculty, agents and alumni who so alluringly bear our land-grant mission of learning, analysis and engagement. To acquaint the MSU adventure in the best acute way, it is capital to use constant communications both visually and in acceding of messages. When we allege with one voice, our bulletin is amplified and added powerful.

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The MSU cast adviser is advised to accord you all the advice you charge to actualize constant communications. I animate you to use this adviser to reinforce your ability of MSU’s cast strengths and key letters and chase these guidelines in your communications. Your choir are capital to bear a constant presentation of the university-whether through claimed interactions with students, collaborations with your colleagues, or presentations to alien audiences.

MSU has a abundant adventure to tell. When we acquaint the adventure with one voice, it becomes alike added powerful. Thank you for your charge to MSU.

Waded Cruzado President

Definition: A cast is an image, an abstraction or a acumen that presents a audible consequence to its audiences. A cast is added than a logo and a tagline; it is a set of different adventures and the affiance delivered to our stakeholders. It is the different appearance and personality that actualize a able and memorable brand.

Brand Promise: The Montana Accompaniment University cast consists of our people, place, interactions and experience. Montana Accompaniment University promises to be a baton in the affiliation of learning, analysis and engagement. The MSU cast is accurate by the acquaintance delivered to our students, the successes accomplished by our alumni, and the avant-garde partnerships developed in communities we serve.

Reputation: At Montana Accompaniment University, we are appreciative of our acceptability for arete in the affiliation of learning, analysis and engagement. Our university is consistently accustomed as one of the top accessible analysis universities in the nation. According to the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, MSU is the alone college-out of added than 4,600 in the country-that educates primarily undergraduate students, maintains “very aerial analysis activity” (the accomplished category), and is accustomed for its cogent charge to association engagement. This aggregate agency that our acceptance participate in allusive analysis and artistic projects that not alone enhance education, but advance lives in bounded and all-around communities.

MSU’s added afterimage and added acceptability is approved by the advance and contour of our apprentice body, the added captivation of our alumni and donors, and the added boondocks clothes relationship.

One of our greatest assets is our Montana Accompaniment University brand. Constant use of university key letters and beheld architecture acquiesce us to advance and access our cast recognition. Application these guidelines aloft all media will reinforce Montana Accompaniment University’s character as a baton in the affiliation of learning, analysis and assurance and advice us accomplish our goals.

The MSU cast is what differentiates us. It’s what sets us apart, so it is important that we be alert of how our cast is presented. It is our albatross to advance and assure the arete that defines Montana Accompaniment University. Constant presentation will leave an enduring mark in the minds of our admirers and advice the university accomplish the goals set alternating in the cardinal plan.

This cast adviser applies to all university capacity that acquaint to our key stakeholders. All Montana Accompaniment University academic, research, outreach, apprentice services, authoritative and affiliated units, charge chase these guidelines. All university units advice acquaint the MSU story, so it is important that all communications present a constant and unified message. Alfresco organizations and sub-contractors, including apprentice advisers who are creating abstracts for any Montana Accompaniment University analysis charge attach to these guidelines as well.

These guidelines administer to all alien and centralized communications, including, brochures, websites, advertising, invitations, absolute mail, postcards, fliers, catalogs, posters, billboards, banners and added ecology graphics, video, DVD, CD, film, presentations and stationery.

These guidelines are accurate by the afterward MSU policies:

In abatement 2012, Montana Accompaniment University accomplished a new cardinal plan that sets overarching goals for the university. The plan relies on every affiliate of the MSU community—students, faculty, staff, alumni and our association partners—to accord to its success. The cardinal planning action additionally accurate new mission and eyes statements as able-bodied as allegorical values. This cardinal plan reinforces and supports MSU’s cast affiance and strengths.

Montana Accompaniment University, the state’s land-grant institution, educates students, creates ability and art, and serves communities by amalgam learning, analysis and engagement.

Montana Accompaniment University is as arresting as its setting. Created as a land-grant institution, it is a welcoming, adventuresome association of students, adroitness and agents acclaimed by its charge to abode the world’s greatest challenges. The university energizes individuals to ascertain and accompany their aspirations. It inspires bodies to appoint with the university to advance the animal anticipation through arete in education, research, adroitness and borough responsibility.

The MSU clear character affairs consists of logo and tagline advice as able-bodied as branded fonts, blush palettes and photography style. These beheld character guidelines administer to use of the MSU name, logo, and cast strengths in print, electronic, and video communications.

MSU colleges, departments, analysis centers and authoritative units should not use logos added than the MSU logo.

The MSU name and logo is aloof for the absolute use of the MSU association on university-related projects. Alfresco entities adulatory to use the logo may administer for a allotment to actualize bartering products. Alfresco organizations adulatory to use the MSU name and logo should call the defined use and appeal permission from [email protected].

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The Montana Accompaniment University logo is the primary representation of MSU and should arise on all communications. Departments announcement contest and appointment should consistently ensure that the university name or logo is appropriately and acutely displayed.

Logo Symbolism:Block M – The Block M is a accolade to the M on Mount Baldy that was congenital by acceptance in 1916. According to the 1917 yearbook, the M stands as, “a attribute of our adherence to Montana Accompaniment and a admonition of what a affiliated chic can accomplish.”

Arc – The M is accurate by an arc that represents the ability aloft the accompaniment and communities that we serve.

Flame – Housed aural the affection of the M is the blaze of knowledge, the lamp of learning, the bookish blaze that is nourished through the affiliation of learning, analysis and engagement.

The MSU Tagline: Mountains and MindsMSU’s official tagline is “Mountains and Minds.” The tagline was aboriginal implemented in 1983 to advance MSU summer session. It’s roots are in the composition by Gerard Manley Hopkins: “O the mind, apperception has mountains; cliffs of abatement / Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed.”

The tagline is awful admired and accustomed by our stakeholders aloft Montana and beyond. The tagline is recommended for use/inclusion aloft all communications.

Brand Extensions:Academic colleges and agencies accept been assigned a clear that integrates their name with the amount signature.

All bookish departments and analysis units that are anon affiliated with an bookish academy or one of the agencies should use that organization’s cast extension.

Unit Identifier: If university authoritative units that serve the absolute university charge to advertise their name in a baby space, a assemblage identifier clear can be provided. Assemblage identifiers are not advised to be acclimated on MSU letterhead, business cards or websites. Amuse acquaintance [email protected] for a unit identifier graphic.

Montana Accompaniment Bobcat contest advance several spirit marks to advance and enhance the afterimage and anatomy absolute associations with Bobcat athletics. The ancestors of able-bodied marks is aloof for the absolute use of Bobcat athletics. These marks cannot be acclimated by bookish or authoritative departments in their official communications.

Use of the able-bodied and spirit marks by entities alfresco of the university is carefully forbidden. Vendors adulatory to advance commodity abode the MSU or Bobcat name or logo charge administer for a allotment through Bookish Licensing Company. Businesses adulatory to advance their account or artefact by adjustment with the MSU Bobcats charge accommodate an acceding with Bobcat Sports Properties.

For apprentice use of the Bobcat logo, amuse see apprentice use section.

For added advice on Bobcat Merchandise: Bobcat Spirit

Vendors adulatory to aftermath articles abode the Bobcat name or logo:

All communications, whether printed or electronic, charge accommodate the able MSU branding. The MSU amount logo or the academy cast addendum logo is adapted on all communications. 

Creative Casework is accessible to advice actualize on cast publications like the afterward samples. Click on angel to enlarge.

The afterward blazon fonts are recommended for all printed materials. These fonts were alleged to accompaniment the MSU logo and wordmark font. There are two archetypal fonts, one serif and one sans serif that can be acclimated for both account and anatomy text. A third chantry is a affectation chantry to be acclimated for account only.

Sans-serif – communicates a clean, avant-garde impression; accessible in a advanced ambit of weights.The capital chantry use for the MSU business apartment (letterhead, envelopes, business cards) publications and promotional materials. Arial attenuated is acclimated as a acting in the cyberbanking arrangement adaptation of the letterhead. Recommended for account and anatomy text.

Serif – communicates a sophisticated, classical impression.Recommended primarily for anatomy text, abnormally in accord and copy.

Slab serif affectation chantry – communicates a able consequence with a bookish attending with echoes of MSU’s wordmark font; use Bold and Heavy weights. Recommended for account only.

We acclaim Accessible Blazon Fonts (OTF) because they are cantankerous platform, acceptation they can be acclimated interchangeably by Macintosh and PC systems. Licenses for these fonts can be purchased at these sites:

You do not charge to buy the absolute chantry families, abnormally in the case of Caecilia-Bold and Heavy are the alone weights you would need. ITC Franklin Gothic Accepted has abounding weights and variations to accept from. Accept the ones you apprehend to use best often. Adobe Garamond offers the accepted alternative of Regular, Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic and Bold. All of these are advantageous in creating publications.

MSU’s primary blush fonts are dejected and gold, and we acclaim application them in publications and promotional materials, decidedly those that are targeted to MSU amount audiences. Audiences, abnormally in the accompaniment of Montana, instantly admit dejected and gold as apery MSU.

Extended Blush Palette

The continued palette consists of added recommended colors that accompaniment the university’s dejected and gold, while accouterment for a adult blush scheme. These colors are meant to be acclimated in four-color action publications and chase the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) allotment convention.

The web is one of our best able advice tools. The university website, alone analysis websites and amusing media should allege with the aforementioned articulation and present a adamant attending and feel aloft all channels.

MSU uses a Content Management System (CMS) alleged OUCampus to bear the universities websites. Best MSU websites should be (or are on their way to being) in the CMS. MSU’s web standards (logo, layout, typography, blush palette) are advised into it. The CMS enables all university schools, capacity and departments to calmly actualize and amend their sites and abide constant with the MSU brand, while still acceptance abundant adaptability to accurate their different identities.

There are some sites that may be congenital alfresco of the CMS, and the analysis and approval of those website designs by MSU Web and Digital Communications charge arise afore they are arise publicly. MSU Web and Digital Communications should be contacted aboriginal in the web development action to ensure architecture affairs accommodated cast standards.

All graphical development for Web pages charge be in accordance with the accustomed Clear Character and Branding Guidelines, as able-bodied as the cast advice begin on this toolkit. The Web guidelines are an inherent allotment of the book guidelines, as all communications should be constant aloft all mediums.

For added advice about the CMS: Visit Web and Digital Communications

For added advice on administration your pages aural the CMS see the MSU Content Management System Advice Docs.

Web Blush Palette:


Video has become an able media to advertise the arete of Montana Accompaniment University and advice the university and its departments accomplish their goals. Just like added mediums, it is important to appropriately represent and accommodate MSU branding. Several accoutrement are accessible to cast MSU video pieces. 

An aperture bonanza includes the MSU logo and should be placed at the arch of any video action to cast it as an MSU production. The closing bonanza identifies that the assembly is the bookish acreage of MSU and should arise at the end of the production.

Lower Thirds: To analyze capacity in video productions, use a lower third bar in the MSU branded video style.

The clear is an editable book so argument can be updated. However, the called chantry (Arial or Helvetica) should be used, as this is allotment of the MSU branding. Once finished, the clear should be adored as a TIFF book with ‘layers’ and ‘alpha channels’ selected. This book should be accordant with best video alteration applications. The clear can be placed at the basal of the image-safe breadth of the awning application keyframes or your editor’s accurate advantage for affective clear layers.

The bug identifies the assembly as an MSU production. This clear is placed in the lower-right bend of the image-safe breadth of the video and should abide on the awning for the assembly amid the aperture and closing bumpers. The bug is advised for video purposes alone and is not adapted for added book or online uses.

Film and photography on campus: Outside vendors bearing films on campus for bartering purposes charge accede with the blur and photography action and complete the ability use permit. Campus departments and units filming their own video or application alfresco sources to blur should:

All videos produced application MSU assets charge accept MSU branding applied.

MSUTube is the axial antecedent for all MSU videos. Individuals adulatory to accept their videos included in the MSUTube augment charge attach to the aloft branding guidelines. University Communications has final accomplishment on all video projects. Requests to column videos to MSUTube should be directed to: [email protected].

The afterward guidelines administer to all communications such as brochures, posters, absolute mail and websites.

The MSU photography appearance mirrors our cast personality-natural, accurate and focused on people. Photos should be aerial affection and highlight acceptance and advisers affianced in their activating acquirements and active environment. Adumbration featuring acceptance and advisers actively complex in research, artistic projects and association captivation are adopted to snapshots of individuals or groups in changeless poses.

MSU photography is:

The University Photographer gathers adumbration to allegorize account releases and key university events. Contract photography for specific print, web, or video projects is available. Any university article application photography for business purposes should ensure that apparent capacity accept active an angel absolution form.

More advice on MSU Photography.

All communications, whether printed or electronic, charge accommodate the able MSU branding. The MSU amount logo or the academy cast addendum logo is adapted on all communications. 

Montana Accompaniment University has created an official business apartment to ensure constant communications on our letterhead, envelopes and business cards. All orders for the MSU business apartment are completed online: EZTemplating.

Electronic card is meant to actualize official MSU communications that are broadcast electronically. The cyberbanking card is not meant to be acclimated as a stand-alone communications vehicle. Abode orders for cyberbanking card here:

Email Signature fileWhen communicating via email, it is important to accommodate a able signature file:


Jonathan (Jonny) DoeTitleMontana Accompaniment UniversityDepartment/Office/ProgramBozeman, MT all-important to echo email abode in signature file)

Optional Elements:

Key bulletin “benchmarks” are accessible to acquaint the university’s strengths to alien and centralized audiences. A alternative of these letters are amid here:

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