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The semiconductor industry is affective abounding acceleration avant-garde to advance high-NA EUV, but bringing up this abutting bearing lithography arrangement and the associated basement charcoal a awe-inspiring and big-ticket task.

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ASML has been developing its high-numerical breach (high-NA) EUV lithography band for some time. Basically, high-NA EUV scanners are the follow-on to today’s EUV lithography systems based on a 0.33 NA lens. Still in R&D, ASML’s new high-NA EUV arrangement involves a absolutely new tool, featuring a 0.55 NA lens able of 8nm resolutions, compared to 13nm for the absolute tool. The 0.55 NA EUV apparatus is targeted for 3nm in 2023, but it’s absurd to move into assembly until 2025, analysts said.

A high-NA scanner is accepted to bulk $318.6 million, compared to $153.4 actor for today’s EUV systems, according to KeyBanc. The absolute bulk is alike higher. Added new equipment, new photomasks, and altered photoresists are appropriate to accredit high-NA EUV. Assorted vendors are alive on these technologies, but at this point some gaps remain.

Lithography accessories is acclimated to arrangement tiny appearance on chips, enabling chipmakers to advance abate and faster accessories at avant-garde nodes, and to backpack added appearance into a distinct die or package. Until 2018, chipmakers blooming the appearance on leading-edge chips application acceptable optical lithography scanners. But at avant-garde nodes, the apery action with optical lithography became too complex, bidding the charge for EUV. Now alike that’s not sufficient.

Utilizing a 13.5nm wavelength, ASML’s 0.33 NA EUV scanners are actuality acclimated by Samsung and TSMC to aftermath 7nm and 5nm chips. Intel is additionally inserting ASML’s EUV scanners for avant-garde dent production. Samsung and SK Hynix are application EUV for DRAM production.

Chipmakers will use today’s EUV for a continued time. But at some point — about above the 3nm bulge — it will become difficult to arrangement approaching chips application absolute EUV. This is area high-NA fits in. Intel, for one, believes the technology is analytical and arise affairs to install ASML’s aboriginal 0.55 high-NA EUV scanner.

“It will accompany a cogent bulk of learning, but it additionally will accredit us to abide the progression bottomward to the aboriginal geometries,” said Ann Kelleher, arch carnality admiral and accepted administrator of Technology Development at Intel.

Samsung and TSMC additionally will buy high-NA tools. But the alteration adjoin high-NA EUV involves an array of new and affective parts. “High-NA re-uses a lot of ability from 0.33 NA EUV,” said Krish Sankar, an analyst at Cowen. “Introduction of EUV was added arduous for resists. Migration to high-NA is added evolutionary, and the resists will abide to advance in achievement to accommodated the imaging requirements on approaching nodes. The eyes are new for high-NA, but they are still cogitating optics.”

Why high-NA?In a fab, chipmakers advance lithography and added accessories to aftermath chips. Application a book architecture generated in the architecture phase, a photomask ability creates a mask. The affectation is a adept arrangement for a accustomed dent design, and eventually is alien to the fab. From there, wafers are amid into a coater/developer system. The arrangement pours a light-sensitive actual alleged a photoresist assimilate a wafer.

Then, the affectation and dent are amid in a lithography scanner. In operation, the scanner generates light, which is transported through a set of bump eyes and the affectation in the system. Ablaze hits the resist, creating patterns on the wafer.

For years, chipmakers acclimated optical-based 193nm amicableness lithography accoutrement to arrangement avant-garde dent features. With assorted techniques, chipmakers continued 193nm lithography bottomward to 7nm. But at 5nm, it’s too circuitous to use these techniques.

“Trying to book 50nm, 40nm or 30nm appearance is an inherently difficult assignment for 193nm lithography,” said Aki Fujimura, arch controlling of D2S. “Using EUV at 13.5nm wavelengths should accomplish it easier and added viable.”

In 2018, Samsung and TSMC amid ASML’s 0.33 NA EUV scanners for use in accomplishment chips at 7nm, and best afresh at 5nm. ASML’s EUV scanners accredit 13nm resolutions with a throughput from 135 to 145 wafers per hour (wph).

But EUV isn’t perfect. The action sometimes can account exceptionable variations and defects. Arrangement uptime is an issue, as well.

Nonetheless, at 7nm, chipmakers are application EUV to arrangement dent appearance with pitches starting at 40nm. Vendors are application an EUV-based distinct apery approach. The abstraction is to put the dent appearance on one affectation and book them on the dent application a distinct lithographic exposure.

Chipmakers appetite to extend EUV distinct apery as far as possible. EUV distinct apery alcove the absolute at 32nm to 30nm pitches, which represents the 5nm bulge or so.

At those pitches and beyond, almost at the 3nm node, chipmakers charge to attending at new options, namely EUV bifold patterning. In bifold patterning, you breach the dent appearance on two masks and book them on the wafer. This is circuitous and expensive, but it’s additionally article the fabs accept baffled with 193nm lithography.

Some may appetite to abstain EUV bifold apery altogether. “Now we are advancing abutting to the banned of 0.33 NA EUV distinct acknowledgment and high-NA EUV is actuality considered,” said Arnaud Dauendorffer, a action architect from TEL, in a presentation at the contempo SPIE Photomask Technology EUV conference.

To abstain EUV bifold patterning, chipmakers are blame for high-NA EUV at 3nm and beyond. High-NA EUV promises to accredit the simpler single-patterning approach.

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“The apparatus provides added resolution. So that agency that you can book added appearance with it. The aeriform angel adverse allows for bigger bounded CD uniformity,” said Jan van Schoot, administrator of arrangement engineering at ASML, during a presentation at the conference.

ASML’s aboriginal high-NA EUV system, the EXE:5000, appearance 8nm resolutions with a throughput of 150 wph. Customer shipments are slated for 2023. Then, at the end of 2024, ASML will address a new version, the EXE:5200, which has a throughput of 220 wph.

High-NA EUV works like today’s EUV lithography, but there are some key differences. Instead of a acceptable lens, the high-NA apparatus incorporates an anamorphic lens, acknowledging 8X deepening in one administration and 4X in the other. So the acreage admeasurement is bargain by half. In some cases, a chipmaker would action a dent on two masks. Again the masks are stitched calm and printed on the wafer, which is a circuitous process.

New masksHigh-NA EUV additionally requires new photomask types. EUV and acceptable optical masks are different. Optical masks abide of an blurred band of chrome on a bottle substrate, which makes them transmissive to light.

There are several types of optical masks, such as bifold and phase-shift masks (PSMs).

In bifold masks, chrome is categorical in baddest places, which exposes the bottle substrate. The chrome abstracts aren’t categorical in added places. In operation, ablaze hits the affectation and goes through the areas with the glass, which exposes the wafer. Ablaze doesn’t go through the areas with the chrome.

PSMs are additionally acclimated today. “There are abounding flavors of PSM, but they assignment by application appearance to abolish ablaze area you don’t appetite it, appropriately bearing a college adverse image,” said Chris Mack, CTO of Fractilia.

Today’s EUV masks are bifold and reflective. An EUV affectation and/or bare consists of 40 to 50 attenuate alternating layers of silicon and molybdenum on a substrate. This after-effects in a multi-layer assemblage that is 250nm to 350nm thick. On the stack, there is a ruthenium-based capping layer, followed by an cushion based on a tantalum material.

In affectation production, the aboriginal footfall is to actualize a substrate or affectation blank. Fabricated by a affectation bare vendor, the bare serves as the abject anatomy of a mask.

To accomplish EUV affectation blanks, a bell-ringer deposits alternating layers of silicon and molybdenum assimilate the substrate. The affectation bare is inspected for defects application actinic and optical analysis equipment.

Lasertec sells an actinic bare analysis (ABI) arrangement for EUV affectation blanks. Application a 13.5nm wavelength, the ABI apparatus has 1nm (height) x 40nm (width) sensitivities with a birthmark area accurateness of 20nm.

For high-NA EUV, Lasertec is developing a new ABI arrangement with 1nm x 30nm sensitivities. “We are targeting 10nm for the birthmark location,” said Masashi Sunako, admiral of Lasertec USA, in a presentation at the conference.

On top of that, the industry is developing new EUV affectation types for 3nm and beyond. In today’s EUV masks, the cushion is a 3D-like affection that juts out on top of the mask. In operation, EUV ablaze hits the affectation at a 6° angle. The reflections potentially account a shadowing aftereffect or photomask-induced imaging aberrations on the wafer. This issue, accepted as affectation 3D effects, can aftereffect in exceptionable arrangement adjustment shifts.

To abate these effects, the EUV affectation requires a thinner absorber. In absolute EUV masks, the tantalum cushion is 60nm thick. It can be fabricated thinner, but the absolute at 50nm, which doesn’t break the affectation effects. In response, the industry is developing several new EUV affectation types, such as 2D, absorberless, high-k, non-reflecting and PSM.

EUV PSMs arise to accept the best momentum. This technology addresses the affectation 3D furnishings while additionally convalescent angel affection with bigger contrast.

But EUV PSMs may crave altered materials. In a presentation at the SPIE Photomask/EUV conference, Hanyang University advisers declared a phase-shift EUV mask, which consists of alternating layers of ruthenium and silicon on a substrate. A ruthenium capping band is anchored on top of the multi-layer structure, followed by a tantalum-boron compose stopper, and a ruthenium admixture as the phase-shift material.

In a paper, Hoya developed assorted attenuated phase-shift blazon absorbers and evaluated the properties. “PSM expects to accompany imaging gain,” said Ikuya Fukasawa from Hoya, in a presentation. “But in adjustment to advance EUV PSM blanks, we accept to accommodated a lot of requirements. The cushion actual charge accept baby acerbity and aerial backbone adjoin affectation cleaning. And of course, the cushion has to be categorical on a affectation process.”

Like EUV PSMs, high-k masks are additionally in R&D. A high-k EUV affectation resembles today’s EUV masks. Instead of a tantalum absorber, the industry is exploring added abstracts like nickel. A thinner nickel cushion could abate the affectation effects, but this actual is difficult to assignment with.

Meanwhile, startup Astrileux afresh declared a new non-reflecting EUV affectation application a ruthenium material. “Our affectation is darker in the aphotic regions, and brighter in the ablaze regions, and all-embracing has beneath accomplishments axle and leakage,” said Supriya Jaiswal, CEO of Astrileux.

Astrileux additionally declared a 2D mask, area the cushion is congenital aural the blank. The startup additionally talked about an aborberless mask. All of these are in R&D.

As it stands today, chipmakers will abide to use the absolute EUV mask/blank anatomy for absolute 0.33 NA EUV tools. Again at some point chipmakers will acceptable admit EUV PSMs for 0.33 EUV. Back high-NA EUV is ready, chipmakers acceptable will use PSMs. High-k and added affectation types are additionally possibilities.

“There are several approaches as you go forward, whether it’s phase-shift, low-n or high-k,” said Geoff Akiki, admiral of Hoya LSI at the Hoya Group. “The absolute ambush actuality will be affiliation and authoritative it assignment in manufacturing, accepting it out the aperture as a product. For instance, you accept things like flatness, which we absorb a lot of time annoying about. You accept defects, which we all allocution about. In a sense, the alternative of all these things is like aggravating to tune a action window. It’s what gets you to the affair that’s accessible at the end, not beneath ideal conditions.”

New affectation equipmentMeanwhile, already the affectation bare is made, it is alien to the photomask vendor. At the affectation supplier, a bare is patterned, etched, repaired and inspected. Finally, a covering is army on the mask.

First, photomask makers use a arrangement alleged an e-beam affectation biographer to address patterns on the affectation based on a accustomed IC design. For years, affectation makers relied on a single-beam e-beam tool, based on capricious appearance axle (VSB) technology. In operation, a affectation is amid in the arrangement and electrons hit the affectation in anatomy of shots.

VSB-based affectation writers assignment for acceptable optical masks. But EUV masks accept abate and added circuitous features, and VSB is too apathetic to arrangement them.

For EUV and some circuitous optical masks, affectation makers use multi-beam affectation writers. IMS Nanofabrication’s multi-beam affectation autograph apparatus utilizes 262,000 tiny beams, which speeds up the process. The address times are constant, demography 12 hours or so to arrangement all masks.

IMS is aircraft its second-generation apparatus with a new adaptation in R&D. “For high-NA EUV affectation manufacturing, the new MBMW-301 apparatus will be provided with a college cardinal of beams,” said Hans Loeschner, a arch adviser at IMS.

NuFlare additionally is developing a multi-beam affectation writer. These systems are targeted to arrangement next-generation EUV and angled masks. The industry is additionally developing angled shapes on avant-garde photomasks application changed lithography technology (ILT). So-called ILT masks will become important for EUV, abnormally high-NA.

“ILT masks are a way to enhance action windows to advance the animation of a dent assembly action to accomplishment variation,” D2S’ Fujimura said.

After the apery step, the affectation anatomy is categorical and cleaned, basic a photomask. During the assembly process, defects can crop up on the photomask.

This can be problematic. In the lithographic process, the ablaze from a scanner passes through the photomask, which projects the adapted images assimilate the wafer. If the affectation has a defect, the irregularities ability get printed on the wafer. This can appulse crop of a die, and it could alike annihilate a chip.

So during the mask-making process, the photomask charge be inspected for defects. For acceptable optical masks, photomask makers use optical affectation analysis systems. Applied Materials, KLA, Lasertec and NuFlare advertise these systems.

Optical analysis accoutrement additionally can audit EUV masks. The botheration with optical is resolution. They may run out of beef at 20nm to 16nm half-pitch resolutions.

In response, Lasertec afresh alien an actinic blooming affectation analysis (APMI) arrangement application a 13.5nm source. The abate wavelengths accredit the arrangement to locate sub-20nm defects for EUV masks.

Lasertec additionally is developing an APMI arrangement for high-NA EUV masks. “The new optics, the detector and the arrangement architecture are completed,” Lasertec’s Sunako said. This apparatus is slated for 2023/2024.

Beside optical and APMI, barter will accept addition advantage for EUV affectation inspection. KLA and NuFlare are developing multi-beam e-beam affectation analysis tools.

NuFlare is developing a multi-beam analysis arrangement with 100 beams, which is slated for 2023. “Sensitivity is 15nm. Analysis time is 6 hours per one affectation analysis period,” said Tadayuki Sugimori of NuFlare.

All told, for accepted and approaching EUV masks, photomask makers will use all analysis types—actinic, e-beam and optical.

Like inspection, affectation adjustment is additionally critical. If a affectation has defects, a photomask maker can adjustment them application a affectation adjustment system. There are two types of affectation adjustment tools, e-beam and nanomachining. Both are complementary.

For avant-garde nodes, Zeiss alien a new affectation adjustment apparatus application e-beam technology. The arrangement aliment defects bottomward to 60nm half-pitch on masks and extrusions of 10nm and smaller.

Meanwhile, Bruker food affectation adjustment accoutrement application nanomachining techniques. These systems absorb a tiny tip to adjustment affectation defects.

All affectation adjustment accoutrement charge accumulate clip with the shrinking affection and birthmark sizes at avant-garde nodes. They charge additionally accord with assorted materials. “The actual ability of these processes is analytical for the abatement of fall-on and added balance bendable birthmark contagion as the abstracts backdrop are best about unknown,” said Jeff LeClaire, administrator of technology at Bruker.

Wanted: New resistsPhotoresists are additionally analytical for lithography. Chipmakers appetite resists with acceptable resolution [R], low line-width acerbity [L], and acuteness [S].

The industry has developed resists for optical lithography, which avalanche aural the RLS targets. But it’s a altered adventure for EUV resists. “Obtaining all three of these at the aforementioned time is difficult, as they are interrelated, and improvements in one constant about degrades at atomic one of the others–often referred to as the RLS accommodation relation,” said Rich Wise, carnality admiral at Lam Research, in a blog.

EUV resists, which are in production, are based on two technologies— chemically amplified resists (CARs) and metal oxide. Acclimated for both optical and EUV, CARs absorb a circuitous process. Back photons hit the resists in the scanner, it causes a alternation reaction.

“Part of the acknowledgment avalanche involves a actinic addition of the antecedent photon, area the photon is aboriginal adapted into several electrons, whereby several photoacid molecules are eventually generated per adventure photon,” Wise said. “The advantage of CAR is that abide acuteness can be added by accretion the cardinal of photoacid molecules that are generated per photon. However, these added acids will be amid added and added from the armpit of the aboriginal photon, consistent in angel blur, which reduces resolution and increases line-edge roughness.”

Metal oxide resists are beneath mature, but they accept some advantages. For example, Inpria’s metal-oxide photoresists are based on a tin-oxide structure, which captures EUV photons added efficiently.

Today, the industry is analytic for a abide that meets the RLS requirements for high-NA EUV. That’s still a assignment in progress. Advisers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and ASML are screening assorted resists for high-NA application an arrest EUV lithography system. Advisers blooming curve and spaces with assorted resists, acquisitive to access 8nm half-pitch resolutions.

PSI afresh presented the after-effects from CAR and non-CAR resists from bearding suppliers. Application a dosage about 60mJ/cm² for the CARs, PSI’s R&D EUV arrangement blooming ablaze curve and spaces at 13nm half-pitch, but it encountered accessory bridging at 12nm and a arrangement collapse at 11nm. “We’ve pushed the ultimate resolution of the chemically amplified abide from 12nm in one case to 11nm, artlessly by optimizing the underlayer,” said Timothée Allenet, a researcher from PSI, in a presentation.

Meanwhile, with a 30mJ/cm² dose, atomic resists approved acceptable images at 13nm, but they encountered failures due to arrangement collapses at 12nm, according to PSI.

Then, application assorted doses, metal-oxide resists approved acceptable after-effects bottomward to 12nm. “At 11nm half-pitch, we accept accessory bridging, and again we accept a resolution aqueduct at 10nm,” Allenet said.

On the ablaze side, today’s resists for 0.33 NA EUV aren’t continuing still and are improving. For example, TEL declared new processes for CARs and metal oxide resists. “In summary, coater/developer processess calm with the optimized underlayer blur shows advance in arrangement collapse allowance for CAR. Optimized underlayer bigger birthmark density, yield, and acerbity for metal oxide resists,” said Kanzo Kato at TEL.

ConclusionOther EUV technologies are additionally in the works, such as pellicles. Pellicles are acclimated to awning a mask, preventing particles from landing on the mask.

ASML has developed new EUV pellicles. Meanwhile, Imec’s carbon nanotube pellicles accept approved 97.7% transmissions on ASML’s EUV scanners. Both single- and multi-wall pellicles are promising. “Both types performed able-bodied assuming basal imaging differences over the no-pellicle advertence for CD uniformity, LWR and flare. The accessory access in dosage was advancing based on abstinent EUV assimilation that ranged from 95.3% to 97.7% on these pellicles,” said Emily Gallagher, a arch affiliate of abstruse agents at Imec.

Other technologies are actuality developed for high-NA EUV. Regardless of whether all the pieces are in place, chipmakers say high-NA EUV is bare for dent assembly at 2023 and beyond. Still, the R&D costs are aloof alpha to accumulation up. Not abounding can allow these systems. And yet to be apparent is back high-NA will absolutely move into production.

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