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Giacomini, K. M. & Sugiyama, Y. in Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Base of Therapeutics (eds Brunton, L. L., Lazo, J. S. & Parker, R. L.) 41–70 (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006). This affiliate in a arbiter provides an accomplished overview of transporters.

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Schinkel, A. H. & Jonker, J. W. Mammalian biologic address transporters of the ATP bounden cassette (ABC) family: an overview. Adv. Biologic Deliv. Rev. 55, 3–29 (2003). This arrangement provides an accomplished assay of ABC transporters that are important in biologic response.

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Sai, Y. Biochemical and atomic pharmacological aspects of transporters as determinants of biologic disposition. Biologic Metab. Pharmacokinet. 20, 91–99 (2005).

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Cascorbi, I. Role of pharmacogenetics of ATP-binding cassette transporters in the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Pharmacol. Ther. 112, 457–473 (2006).

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Jonker, J. W., Wagenaar, E., Van Eijl, S. & Schinkel, A. H. Absence in the amoebic cation transporters 1 and 2 (Oct1/Oct2 [Slc22a1/Slc22a2]) in mice abolishes renal beard of amoebic cations. Mol. Corpuscle Biol. 23, 7902–7908 (2003).

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Revisit your flyer project if you need to resize it, replace it, or repurpose your design for future campaigns. Make your flyer on-brand by uploading your brand, using your brand’s shade palette, and handpicking fonts that match your aesthetic. With a premium plan, you presumably can even auto-apply your branded elements to keep away from wasting time and create extra. Make it yoursAdd your personal photographs or pick from a library of design elements, change the colour scheme and customise the typography.

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